
Jennifer Anstey presenting the trophy to a winning entry at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.
Jennifer Anstey is the CEO of Horse Media Group, Canada’s premier equine marketing outlet.
HMG owns Canada’s top equine media brands:,, and publishes the Canadian Horse Annual and Canadian Thoroughbred Sire Book. The websites enjoy an audience of over one million users and the brands are followed by well over half a million people on social media. HMG’s client roster includes Bank of Montreal, Rolex, Ford, W.F. Young, Boehringer Ingelheim, and more.
As the company’s CEO for the last 15 years, Jennifer has extensive experience in all aspects of the horse industry with a keen understanding of the commercial, sport, and recreational aspects. Her communications and equestrian expertise have helped grow the business into a multi-faceted media outlet that reaches well over two million people annually.
With her love of equestrian sport and travelling, Jennifer has reported on major international events including the Olympics, World Equestrian Games, Pan American Games, and World Cup Finals. This involvement led her to be voted onto the board of the International Alliance of Equestrian Journalists where she was re-elected three times. After terming out, Jennifer continues to manage the business affairs for the IAEJ which is dedicated to addressing media related issues and acts as a liason between the world’s equestrian press and the International Equestrian Federation and other equestrian organizations.
Other volunteer work includes the Jump Canada Hall of Fame Committee, Equestrian Canada Award Committee, Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Horse Show Committee, Concerned Citizens of King Township and the Ontario Creates Magazines Industry Advisory Committee.
Jennifer is a passionate horse-lover who grew up immersed in Ontario’s equestrian community. She hunted with the Toronto and North York Hunt from a young age and competed for many years on Ontario’s hunter/jumper ‘A’ circuit. She currently rides “Spencer”, a 12 year-old Thoroughbred she enjoys riding at home and competing in the jumper ring.