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King Township Council Meeting - January 29, 2024


The council meeting for January 29th was quite light but I loved the presentation on Molly’s Camp and wanted to be sure and share it with everyone.

You can watch the live stream of the meeting here, but remember it will only be live for two weeks.


Mayor's Comments

Noise Exemption review - To allow for special events, a delegation by-law was passed in 2015 authorizing the Township Clerk to exempt some activities from the Noise By-law through a noise exemption permit. The criteria for issuing noise exemption permits is currently being reviewed and we are seeking public input. Take the survey now (closes February 2).


Meet the Mayor & Councillors - Four sessions in King City, Schomberg, Nobleton and Ansnorveldt.  Feb. 27 – 6:30 – 8pm – King City Public Library

Mar. 26 – 6:30 – 8pm – Nobleton Public Library

Apr. 23 – 6:30 – 8pm – Schomberg Public Library

May 7 – 6:30 – 8om – Ansnorveldt Park Picnic Shelter


Pay for Municipal Services Online - King Township residents and business owners can pay for over 35 different municipal services by credit card on the Township’s online services portal here. The secure portal can be conveniently accessed seven days a week at any time, and payment can easily be made by VISA or Mastercard. Use this service to easily pay for garbage tags, pool permits, pet tags, register for programs, etc. 


Accessibility Advisory Committee Vacancy - King is looking to fill a vacancy. If you want to participate in this dynamic committee apply online until Friday, February 23, 2024.


Seasonal Jobs for Students - Great jobs for kids 16+ to be a summer camp councillor, cut grass, be a lifeguard lots of options. Email a resume by March 15th to or visit for more information.


Mayor's Gala  This year’s theme is “An Equestrian Affair”. King partners with Art Society King (ASK) and all proceeds go to either ASK or the Heritage Committee. If you are interested in attending or supporting the event find out more here.


Volunteer Appreciation Award Nominations - Nominations for the 2024 Volunteer Recognition Awards are now open. The nomination categories for King citizens are: > Citizen of the Year - An award given to a citizen to recognize and honour outstanding contributions to the Township. > Special Recognition Award: Resident & Non-Resident - An award given to one or more citizens or an organization for a special contribution made to the community in whole or in part. > Senior Citizen Award of Merit - An award given to a Senior Citizen to recognize and honour special contributions to the seniors population. > Lifetime Achievement - An award to recognize outstanding citizenship within the community, with many years of dedicated service and devotion to the residents of King. > Youth Award of Merit - An award given to a younger citizen to highlight special contributions.



Camp Molly

• Camp Molly, named after Molly Williams the first female firefighter on record in North America, is all about empowering females from 15-18 years-old to learn about a career in fire services.

The camp provides the opportunity for young women to meet and engage with strong female role models in their community in a free 4-day camp experience. A national study revealed that only 11% of firefighters nationwide of women, though King is slightly better at 14%.

Throughout camp, attendees learn about the many branches of the fire service including: Fire Suppression, Auto Extrication, Communications, Fire Prevention, Fire Investigations, Public Education, Media Relations, Medical, Forcible Entry, Firefighter Survival. King is hosting it’s first edition of Camp Molly from Aug. 15-18 at the Schomberg 36 Station.

Applicants must live or go to school in King and write a 500-word essay about why they would like to participate in Camp Molly and what qualities do you think you should possess to be in the fire service. Registration opens May 1st and closes June 15th and it is expected that about 30-35 people will be accepted. Visit for more information.

New Business

  • Ward 3 – Jennifer Anstey – The 19th annual Strides for Mackenzie Health is taking place at Canada's Wonderland on Saturday, May 11, 2024. Every Strider who participates in the 5km route throughout the park will get complimentary entry to Canada’s Wonderland and free parking with entry before 8 a.m. The money raised helps the hospital pay for services, support equipment and specialized programs not covered by the provincial government. Learn more here.

  • Ward 4 - Mary Asselstine  Feb. 10 Community Bonfire and Skate at the Dufferin Marsh (bonfire is on if skating isn’t possible). Feb. 16-19 participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count at Dufferin Marsh on Feb. 17 at 9am. Learn more here.

  • Ward 5 - Debbie Schaefer - Food for Thought - Feb 7 6-8pm is the official opening for a new exhibition at the Heritage and Cultural Centre in recognition of International Women's Day. The exhibition features the work of 18 Ontario women artists and runs until March 30, 2024. An artist forum is scheduled for Saturday, February 27, 2024 and a speaker event in early March. The exhibition is open during regular KHCC opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm. Admission rates apply.

  • Ward 6 - Avia Eek  Did you know that the GTA is the largest food and beverage sector in North America? The York Region Agriculture and Agri-Food Advisory Committee is conduction a survey to gather insights that will inform the development of York Region's new Agriculture and Agri-Food Sector Strategy. If you are in the food value chain please take the survey by Feb 4th.




Jennifer Anstey
Ward 3 Councillor
King Township

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