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King Township Council Meeting - November 13, 2023


Updated: Nov 17, 2023

This report includes an update on the Enrich King Program, the 2024 Water and Wastewater Rates and Charges, and a proposal for 14290 10th Concession.

You can watch the live stream of the meeting here, but remember it will only be live for two weeks.


Mayor's Comments

Scott Summerville – King’s former CAO, Scott Summerville died on November 7, 2023. He started as a CPA and went on to develop a successful career in municipal management. He spnt the majority of his working life as a City Manager – initially in Vaughan and followed by Aurora, King and Pelee Island. Egan Funeral Home, 203 Queen St. S. (Hwy. 50), Bolton (905-857-2213), on Thursday, November 16th, from 5-8 o'clock; Friday, November 17th, from 2-4 and 6-8 o'clock and on Saturday, November 18th, from 1 o'clock until time of the Celebration of Life in the chapel at 2 o'clock. A Reception will follow at the funeral home.

Remembrance Day – It was an incredible service at the Cenotaph at the Trisan Centre. There was a flyby of a CC130 J Hercules transport aircraft from CFB Trenton from the Royal Canadian Air Force in honour of LCol (Ret’d) Susan Beharriell who passed away last December. Susan was a passionate advocate for King and the environment and a memorial bench was installed in her honour at the cenotaph. Thanks to the Schomberg Lion’s Club, King Staff, and Chief Wall for hosting such a memorable service.

Heritage Information Workshops – This is an opportunity for learning about heritage conservation in King. There are three free workshops led by the Heritage Advisory Committee together with the townships heritage team: King City Library: Tuesday, Nov. 14 from 7 to 8 pm, Schomberg Library: Wednesday, Nov. 22 from 7 to 8 pm, Nobleton Library: Thursday, Nov. 30 from 7 to 8 pm. Click here to learn more.

Budget Book: King’s 2024 Budget Book is now available. Residents are encouraged to have their say and ask questions. Click here to learn more.

Highway 11 Corridor Open House – King has initiated a land use study to guide future development of the highway 11 corridor located in King’s north-east corner. Historically known as a highway commercial area running between Bathurst and Canal Rd. The area is made up of commercial and tourist-oriented land use. There is a public open house where residents can learn more on Tuesday November 21 at the King Christian School 19740 Bathurst St from 6-8pm. Click here to learn more.

Water Bills – Water bills for the second quarter (July-Sept) are due November 15th and can be paid online. Residents that don’t have a water bill can pick up a water bottle from the township office to have your water

One of a King + Trees & Treats - One of a King Handmade Holiday Market is coming together with Trees & Treats to create a wonderful family friendly event and market! This year's event will feature local vendors, photos with Santa, Trees of Giving, crafts, a tree lighting and much more! Sat, Nov 25 from 3 - 7pm at the King Township Heritage & Cultural Centre.

Fill a Purse for a Sister - Support this good cause by donating a new or gently used purse filled with personal necessities for women in crisis. Donations can be dropped off (with or without a purse) at the Mayor’s office in the municipal office Monday to Friday between 8:30am – 4:30pm until November 30. For more information, refer to the attached donation guidelines, email or visit

New Motion

Councillor Schaefer brought a Motion, seconded by Councillor Asselstine. Their motivation was to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by constructing energy efficient buildings which have traditionally been major emitters. Secondly, it was also to ensure that homes built now and in the next few years are built to be energy efficient and cost effective. By building the homes with these guidelines now, future home owners are not going to be required to do expensive retrofits.


1. The Province of Ontario expedite energy performance green building standard amendments to the Ontario Building Code to provide meaningful energy efficient improvements and reductions in green house emissions, in a cost-effective manner, for all future buildings; and

2. That the Township Clerk send a copy of this resolution to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, local are MPPs, and to all York Region lower tier municipalities.

In support of the motion, Clean Air Partnership made this presentation.


Enrich King Program A centralized community support program that provides community organizations, businesses and King residents with direct funding, donations and in-kind services. Click here to learn more.

The Community Grant Program prioritizes activities, events and initiatives that have outcomes that support the following Master Plan goals: Active Living, Inclusion & Access, Connecting People & Nature, Supportive Environments and Recreation Capacity.

Community Group Affiliation Policy is geared towards established or new Community Groups whose mandate is to provide recreational, art, cultural, heritage, social, environmental and/or sport programs and services that benefit King Township residents. By becoming an Affiliated Community Group (ACG) with the Township, Community Groups will have access to variety of tools and resources such as the allocation of discounted municipal space and access to funding to help support their goals. This will allow us to allocate municipal resources and space in a fair, objective, and equitable manner, and to support groups that provide opportunities that expand and diversify programs and services available to the community.

Agenda Highlights

1) 2024 Water and Wastewater Rates and Charges

Council approved the proposed 2024 water and wastewater increase combined to 3.50% for the variable rate and no increase for the fixed component. On the blended total rate for water and wastewater services, it’s estimated at an annual increase of $43.05 (or 2.24%) based on the average usage over 2023 - this includes the 3.30% increase from York Region for bulk supply and treatment of water and wastewater. Council also approved the increased billing schedule from quarterly to bi-monthly.

2) 14290 10th Concession

Council supported staff’s recommendation to refuse this zoning by-law amendment application. The proponent wanted permission to build a new principal residence on the property and allow for the conversion of the existing dwelling for farm help accommodation, resulting in a total of two dwellings. Planning staff were not satisfied that the nature of the existing farm operation required additional accommodation for farm help.

The proponent asked that the matter be deferred so that they could satisfy staff’s questions, but according to the province’s Bill 96 the town had to make a decision now or risk losing money. Bill 96 requires that municipalities make a decision on such applications within 90 days or it must automatically provide a 50% refund of the application fee. As the 90 days was running out and staff were not satisfied with the answers provided which conflicted with previously submitted information, the decision was made to deny the request. The applicant is welcome to resubmit another application at a later date with more details.


Jennifer Anstey
Ward 3 Councillor
King Township

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